A sense of possibility, hope and abundance arises in spring as shoots of green emerge from the recharged roots of winter sleep and buds appear on barren trees. If we attune ourselves to this resurgence of renewed growth, we may feel a quickening of our own vitality and an urge to launch creative projects, especially if we’ve done some deep root work and energy gathering in winter’s rest time. In many places, spring comes later than March 21, and can arrive in late April or May, but it still is a cause for rejoicing in nature’s renewal and hopefully our own. Can you notice any signs of spring arising, even through the snow if you’re in the colder regions?

Each season corresponds to a stage of our own lives and spring is the time of youthful exuberance and exploration. Poised in a moment of balance between day and night, spring asks us what needs balancing in our lives and how can we reawaken our child-like sense of wonder? Can you recall something that thrilled you about spring as a child and bring forth that feeling?

The Celtic maiden goddess Ostara ruled the emergence of spring and her name morphed into our word for Easter. Rabbits and eggs symbolized her fertility and her story was one of death and rebirth. How might a nature festival enhance Easter or Passover?

For instance, gathering early wild spring greens like nettle and dandelion for tonic teas is one my favorite annual rituals and makes me feel rooted in the ancestral activity of foraging for food and medicine. What wild spring greens could you forage in your area?

Also this year I’m re-wilding my garden to support pollinators by planting native flowers starting with milkweed that I’ve grown from seed and then poppies, monkey flower, golden bush, and penstemon. Our human life and food sources depend on pollinators like various types of bees and other insects, birds, butterflies and bats, which have declined by 70 % due to habitat loss and pesticides.

It’s so simple and easy to plant natives as a way of showing gratitude for all nature’s gifts and it will spark happy feelings of reciprocity. Plus when you dig in the earth with your hands, your gut will receive some supportive soil microbiome that can enhance your own gut biota and immune system. What native flowers might you plant to support local pollinators? Check at your local nursery to find out.